1. Pinpuff – Influence Metrics for Pinterest

Being social is a necessity for you, what’s more important is what influence you have on your network. Enter Klout a tool to measure you social influence across popular social networks. Now gradually as the social aspect is changing and with the advent of Pinterest, new tools are emerging to measure your influence on Pinterest aka pinfluence. One such tool is Pinpuff. Just provide your Pinterest username and you will be provided with insights that reflect how you rank on the network. Intelligent and it also figures out the average economic value for a single pin on your boards/profile.

2. PinReach – Pinterest Analytics

If your marketing strategy involves Pinterest for promotion. Here is a nice tool to collect and analyze your Pinterest stats. Nice tool to better design your plan of action based on real user data. Previously named Pinclout but renamed after being threatened by the popular social media influence tracking service Klout. Analytics provided by Pinreach include repin stats, popular boards etc. The boards are analyzed to provide a cumulative view on how they are performing and what kind of user engagement they are receiving. The app rates you with a score that reflects your reach on Pinterest. There’s also an interesting section that shows influential Pin-ers who follows you. Use it to build relations, grow influence.

3. Pinerly – Pinterest Scheduler

Having a socially active profile is as tough as being only one responsible for saving the world. Heck it gets tough to provide news for followers from such a variety of time zones. Kudos to Hootsuite and lately Buffer (watching my back all the time) that people can schedule their updates at any future time. Sadly, Pinterest is still out of their scope. Hopefully, Pinerly akin to the previously mentioned service will help you pin things in future. However, you have to wait for a while as this tool is in beta and you need to wait for an invite in order to use it. Pinterest is getting immense user engagement and got an iPhone app to let people PIN even on the go. Pity that there is still no app for the Android users. Frustrating, but it does not necessarily mean that you can’t use Pinterest on your Android. There are numerous third party tools that you can choose from. However, so far none has been better than the HTML5 Pinterest mobile site. So what are you waiting for, if you have something worth sharing, go ahead PIN them, who knows, they might go viral. And if they do, you have the tools of the trade to better utilize its reach.