Let’s take a look at the four best note-taking apps for Android.

1. Keep Notes

Keep Notes is a brilliant choice if you own a Google Assistant device, such as the Nest Mini or Nest Hub. If you set a note to become a reminder, your phone will automatically let Google Assistant know about it. When the reminder’s time comes, Google Assistant will notify you alongside your phone.

Keep Notes is also a powerful note-taking tool by itself. For example, you can quickly make a shopping list and tick off the items as you complete them. Keep Notes will also try to autocomplete popular entries or ones you’ve entered in the past for faster list-making.

Unfortunately, Keep Notes is tied to Google, meaning its cross-compatibility won’t play nice with rival products. However, if you enjoy Google products (and owning an Android is a good first step!) this shouldn’t be a problem.

2. Evernote

If you prefer something that isn’t tied to Google, try Evernote. This app is one of the most famous note-taking apps and has been around for years. It has cloud-based note-taking by default and works very well cross-platform.

Evernote comes with a great selection of features. You can upload handwritten notes to the cloud or share your notes with other users to coordinate ideas. Unfortunately, the best features are kept hidden behind a paywall; free users can only upload 60MB of data a month, for instance. Still, the monthly cost isn’t too dire, so give it a try if you’re a power note-taker.

3. ColorNote

If you’re looking for something a little simpler, try ColorNote. It doesn’t have nearly as many features as the other note-taking apps, but there is one thing it’s the best at – widget-based notes.

Once you’ve written a note in ColorNote, you can then add it to your home screen via a widget. Now you can put your notes wherever you like and sort them by color. This is very useful for people who are quite scatterbrained and need a note on their phone in order to remember things.

4. FiiNote

For something a little more academic, try FiiNote. This app is designed for taking notes to study later. This is helped by the plethora of ways you can modify and input text. You can type via the keyboard or handwrite the text for complicated notes such as equations. You can grow and shrink text depending on their importance and highlight the bits that really need your attention later.

It’s not a great app for taking basic notes, however. If you need a quick app for your shopping list, you’ll find that FiiNote has more features to it than you need. For people who want to take complex notes, however, this equally-complex app does the job.

Take Note of These Apps

Smartphones are always on us, which makes them prime candidates for storing notes. Whether you’re shopping for groceries, researching a topic, or just don’t want to forget something, there’s an app for everyone. Which app is your favorite? Let us know below.