1. iPhoto for Mac

iPhoto is the photo management application that we all know and love. iPhoto comes with all Macs, or $14.99 if you purchase it from the Mac App Store. iPhoto for Mac is more than enough of a photo management and editing application for the average user. You can organize your photos by date, location, individuals, and more. iPhoto for Mac also allows you to do color correction with the “Enhance” tool, add filters like Sepia and Black and White, as well as your run of the mill cropping tools. For professional photographers, iPhoto for Mac is more useful as a photo management app rather than a photo editing app. Personally, I use it for personal photos and when I need a nice database of all of my imported photos. iPhoto for Mac ($14.99)

2. Aperture For Mac

If you enjoy the feel of iPhoto, but need to take advantage of more professional features to get any use out of it, then Aperture is for you. You can still organize your photos into folders, providing a great home for them once imported. You can also edit the photos, like found on iPhoto. On top of that, Aperture allows you to make use of brushes for making light touchups and even more for making heavy changes. If you are unfamiliar with the setup at first, Aperture comes with professional preset effects so you can learn while you use it. If you feel like going on the wild side, you can even create some yourself. Once the photos are complete, you can find them available on your iPhone and other iOS devices and Macs through Photostream. With RAW importing support, advanced search tools, and the ability to adjust white balance and more, Aperture is the step up for Apple photographers just growing out of iPhoto, but not experienced enough for Photoshop just yet. Aperture For Mac ($79.99)

3. Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

Now we are at the point where you can navigate through iPhoto with your eyes closed and can probably help someone else out with their Aperture for Mac needs. If this is you, then it’s time to upgrade your applications to Adobe Photoshop and/or Photoshop Elements. Let’s look a bit into both of them. First, we have the household name photography software – Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the ultimate photography application that allows you to add 3D effects, process your photo, and even share within Photoshop with a support of a ton of file types. The features that Photoshop has are endless. It is (almost) the industry standard for professional photo-editing and the latest version (CS6) makes it even better. Along with Photoshop, there is also the Photoshop Elements which is more appealing to the average consumer. If you feel the need to compare, Photoshop is like to Apple Aperture as iPhoto is to Photoshop Elements. They are the elements, the basics, of what Photoshop is. Photoshop Elements allows you to make subtle changes to your photos, share the photos on various social networking websites, and more. Photoshop Elements, unlike iPhoto, will cost all users money because it doesn’t come shipped on any desktop. Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

4. DoubleTake

Panorama photos allow you to get the full landscape of the subject you want to shoot to fit all in one photo. These images are perfect because they don’t require any special file types, meaning there can be JPEG, PNG, or even GIF landscape photos, the only difference is that the aspect ratio is usually the length being double the width. DoubleTake allows you to make panorama photos easier to not exactly take, but to match together into one photo. DoubleTake can even be useful outside of photography. If you have a large document you want to make easier to read, DoubleTake makes this possible. If you want to make a book easier to create, DoubleTake makes this a possibility. DoubleTake ($24.95) This is definitely not a conclusive list of the photo apps for Mac. Let us know which photo apps is your favorite, in the comments. Image credit: By raruschel