Being determined and focused in what we are doing online is what makes you different to what I like to call “casual users”. Especially on Twitter it is getting more and more important to create a consistency of great content to build trust and interest amongst your followers. The key is not to flood them with too many updates at once, and to neither spend hours on Twitter when you should rather be doing something else. So let me therefore introduce you to Buffer, a new Twitter tool I have started to use recently. It will allow you to have tweets well spread out over the day, yet without overwhelming your followers with too many updates at once. Something which happened to me quite often.

What does Buffer do?

You simply put tweets in your Buffer, say for example 4 or 5 at once when browsing news. The app then spreads out and schedules these tweets for you over the day. That’s it. Step 1: Put Tweets in your Buffer I feel that throwing a few tweets in your Buffer is super simple. After creating your account you can start putting tweets into your Buffer right there. Or make it even simpler still and install the right browser extension for you (Firefox, Chrome, Safari). If you like an article click the icon – Like this:

Step 2: Edit tweets or write your own What I also particularly appreciate is the opportunity to use the browser extensions to write any tweet I want to go into the Buffer. You can use it to edit the suggested tweet too of course.

Step 3: Set up the right timing It is quite convenient that by default Buffer gives you twitter peak times at which your tweets go out. However, if you wish to change the daily tweeting times from Buffer, feel free to add more, change or delete some. Here are my tweeting times:

Step 4: Track your Buffered tweets What finally comes in very handy is Buffer’s integrated analytics feature. Once your buffered tweets are tweeted, click on “analytics” and see what impact you have made. You can track clicks on your links, retweets,  avatars of who retweeted you and the reach of your tweets.

Is Buffer right for you?

In case you have similar habits to me, wanting to share the great content you read on the web, give Buffer a try. It will make it super simple to create a consistency on Twitter and you will send out tweets without overwhelming your followers. A pitfall of the app is that there is currently no mobile version available, but was announced to be under development already. I hope you like Buffer. Let me know you views below.