The Interface

Initially, I felt the interface was too simple for me to make use of. However, as testing went on, I found the benefits to a simpler interface. Anxiety is an application that makes sure it doesn’t get in your way. Anxiety mainly occupies a small section of your task bar and a small box (only when opened). The Anxiety application’s main box can be activated by clicking the application icon or by clicking the small check circle in the task bar. When activated, a small box with all of your tasks are revealed. You can click the top, middle section to view each category. Settings are accessed at the bottom left.

How does it Work?

Anxiety is made for quick reference to your to-do list. The application is made to be kept on throughout the day as a way of accessing your tasks without launching iCal. When doing more date dependent tasks, iCal will be of use for you. However, for lists, Anxiety will help out. To add to Anxiety, you have two choices. First, you can control through iCal on the right sidebar. You can also add tasks directly in Anxiety. Here’s how:

  1. First click the check or press “enter”.

  2. Name the task and choose the category

Optional: Click the calendar on the right to make a new iCal calendar.

  1. Then click “add” to apply it to iCal.

How to Download?

Anxiety is available for free to anyone interested in a download. However, Anxiety appreciates donations to keep the application up and running. The application is only available for Mac and you must have at least Leopard. Anxiety can be downloaded through their website directly. The application is downloaded as a .dmg file. When downloaded, the application can be used right out of the “box”. The settings allows you to customize appearance, start up settings, lists, and more.

Strengths and Flaws

To start, Anxiety is one of those love it or hate it applications. Those who love it will include individuals who are heavy on to-do lists while on their Mac and want a simple application. Anxiety, on the other hand, would be too simple for other individuals. In addition, individuals like myself, appreciate more mobile to-do applications for when on the go. This may turn some individuals away from the concept of Anxiety. All in all, Anxiety is a powerful application for those who will find use in it.