Do You Make The Twitter Grade?

Tweet Grader is a free tool by HubSpot that gives you the opportunity to check the power of your Twitter profile compared to other Twitter users. Your score is based on an algorithm of certain criteria predetermined by Hubspot. To see your TweetGrade, just enter your Twitter name and press Grade to see your score.

You will see your Twitter Rank, Follower Count, who you Follow, and your Grade along with a short bio of your account. If your score is low, take this opportunity to check these things for accuracy and make some adjustments until your score is in a more comfortable range.

Under your bio, you’ll see your Follower History. If you click the link there, it will show you a chart of your Follow and Following history.

Use the “Tools” tab for more neat features like seeing a list of you top Tweeters!

What’s Your TweetEffect?

TweetEffect is a neat tool to tell you which Twitter updates made people follow or leave you. All you have to do is enter your Twitter username and select “Tell Me About My Effects”.

When it’s done retrieving your results from Twitter, you’ll see a short summary of your activity.

How Far Do Your Tweets Reach?

TweetReach– shows how many people have viewed your tweets, how many have retweeted, and who your highest exposure is from. Just like the other tools, simply enter your Twitter username and Search.

The report will generate a tally of how many accounts your last Tweet reached. The bottom half of that report will show a week in review chart of your Tweet History, over how many days and how many contributors. The pie chart is a handy visual that displays how many replies and retweets you received form what you shared.

If you scroll down a little, you’ll see the report for your “Top Contributors”, “Most Retweeted Tweets”, all Contributors, and your Tweet Timeline. This report will allow you to see where you fall short and thank those who are contributing to your Twitter success. I can see that my report could use some diversity so I’ll be working on getting my content shared by more contributors.

What Do Your Twitter Analytics Tell You?

Twitalyzer is a probably the most important tool in this article. It’s designed to give you insight on your Twitter Ananlytics that are easy to read and follow. To get started, just enter your Twitter username and Twitalyze!

The first page you will see is an overview of your activity with some metrics giving you an idea of where you fall in the Twitter world of users. I’m a fairly recent Twitter user so my scores will likely be much lower than yours if you have been using Twitter ongoing.

If you click on “Check Out Our Metrics Dashboard”, you’ll see a dashboard full of different metrics that will help you determine where you need to focus more energy and allows you to see what’s working well.

As you can see in the image below, the dashboard metrics are showing me what the Potential Reach is and the number of people I am Effectively Reaching as well as my Klout scores. Those will give me a guideline to where I could focus more energy and time.

With these 4 tools, you are sure to be TwitterTastic in no time! Don’t just put information out in cyberspace, track where it goes, who sees it and is anyone even listening to what you’re saying? If so, great! Use the Twitalyzer tool to help you gauge your progress and if not, use the tools to help you improve in areas that are scoring low and one day you’ll be glad you did!