Zoho chat currently supports Gtalk, Yahoo, AIM, Windows Live, ICQ and Jabber. Once you sign in to Zoho chat, you can easily add the corresponding IM accounts which you like to use and sign in to the respective IMs. There is also a setting for you to change your background picture according to your mood.

Features of Zoho chat

  1. Chat with multiple logins of same client Zoho chat allows you to login with two accounts of a same IM client at the same time, i.e. login to two Yahoo accounts or two Gmail account at the same time. To enable this option simply go to Chat Preferences, add the same IM client twice (or more) with different login credential.
  2. Add live support and chat to your web page Now, if you are selling a product or providing a services, you can add Zoho chat to your web page and have it acts as a live support for your customer. Once you have configured the widget, including the color and theme to suit your website design, just copy the javascript to the respective web page and your live support will be up in minutes.
  3. Change background images to reflect your mood Unlike other web app, you are not restricted to the same background in Zoho chat. You can pick a background picture from Zoho account or upload images or use your Flickr image. You can also make Zoho change the background picture on every login.


Zoho chat is a great online tool that is powerful in the backend and easy to use on the frontend. Features like live support, embedded chat enables us to add lively effect and interactivity to static pages. Zoho chat is also integrated with Zoho Mail and with give a notification whenever a new mail arrive. Have you tried Zoho Chat? Share your experience with us in the comment.