Enter Shouter, an Android app, that reads your notifications out loud and helps you keep focus on your actual work. Any Android phone that runs Android 4.3 or above can use this app. Here’s a break-down of the features that Shouter has for its users:

Caller Name Announcements

Your phone’s ringing and is in the kitchen, and you don’t want to go there only to find out that it was from someone you aren’t interested in talking to. Well, Shouter can announce the name of the person who is calling you. No matter where you are in your house, if you can hear the ring, you can hear the caller’s name and decide whether to pick-up the call or not. If there is a missed call, you get a notification as well. It tells you who the caller was, and you can decide if you want to return the call.

Text Message Reading

Maybe you get a number of text messages every day and you are just not interested reading them all. The app can read them for you. It reads out your messages for you so you don’t have to. So whether you’re out on a bike or driving a car, the app helps you read your messages as soon as they arrive.

Games’ Notifications

When there’s something new for you to try out, the game developers push notifications to your device. With Shouter, you can have them read out loud to see if it’s from a well-known game that you really wish to play or if it is just a normal game that you might not be interested in for the time being.

Settings Panel

The app lets you define settings as to which notifications you want read out loud and which ones you don’t. For example, you may only want certain notifications to be read out loud and not all. You can also opt to receive alerts including only the app name and not the whole notification, so you at least know which app is sending you the notification. The silent hours feature lets you specify what time the app shouldn’t read any notifications. It’s ideal for the night hours. There are a number of other options that you can make use of to customize the app the way you want.


Shouter acts as a personal assistant for you that reads your notifications out loud so you know what is happening with the apps you have installed on your Android device. Give it a try, and let us know how it worked for you!