Turning off the various Window Effects in Ubuntu 13.04

Ubuntu 13.04 comes with a few Windows Effects like window maximizing when you pull it to the screen corners, window spread (to get an overview of all open windows) and HotCorners. One good way to disable them is using the Unity Tweak Tool.

  1. Install Unity Tweak Tool with the command:

  2. Once installed, open the Unity Tweak Tool and navigate to “Window snapping” under the Window Manager section.

  3. Turn the “window snapping” option to off. This will prevent the window from maximizing when you drag it to the screen edge or corner.

Similarly, you can turn the “Window spread” and “HotCorners” options to off. Note: While testing this out, I found that the system will become unstable occasionally when you turn off/on the effects. It is best to restart the computer after you have made changes to Unity Tweak Tool.

Turning off Window Animation in Ubuntu 13.04

If you want to disable the zoom effect when you minimize/maximize the window (and all other animations), you will have to install CompizConfig Settings Manager. Once installed, open CCSM and go to the “Effects -> Animations” section. Uncheck the box beside “Animations”. This will disable the zoom effect when you minimize/maximize the window.

You can also play around with CCSM to customize the window effects and animations, but be warned that a lot of the settings are interlinked together and turning an option on/off might affect other settings as well. Be very careful and play with it only if you have enough experience to deal with the after-effect. Once again, restart your computer after you have made changes to CCSM. Let us know if the abovementioned tricks work for you. Image credit: Ubuntu Concrete Circle