Of course, there’s always the solution of visiting a manufacturer or distributor’s website and collating information about each phone you’re interested in. Given how big an industry smartphones and tablets are these days, however, you’ll find there are a lot of websites out there willing to trawl through all the boring details and pluck out the important parts. All you have to do is enter the phone names, and these websites will do all the hard work for you. Here are a few great examples we’ve found.

GSM Arena

GSM Arena is a very useful website when it comes to deciding which smartphone to buy. As well as comparing phone specifications for you, GSM Arena features articles that take new phones and pits them against one another over certain desirable attributes, such as camera quality. It’s also a good place to keep on top of new phone releases and check their specifications.

Once you’ve either searched for or found a phone you like, you can click the “Compare” button on its page. This will automatically put the phone into a comparison tool where you can enter two more phone models. The website will then put their specifications side by side so you can easily compare your selected devices.

What makes GSM Arena particularly useful is its ability to compare the video and camera qualities of your selected phones. You can do this by clicking the corresponding text above the comparison specifications. It’s very useful for those who want to make heavy use of a phone’s camera!

Phone Arena

Phone Arena has a similar name, but it’s good for its own merits. It, too, features news on the latest phones while also detailing important updates for very popular apps. You can look up the specifications of a particular phone where you can see if the phone has a fingerprint locking device, if it supports dual sim, or even if it’s deemed “lightweight” by Phone Arena.

You can click the “Compare” button on any phone and be taken to a comparison tool. Then you can enter the names of other models and see how they fare against each other. What makes Phone Arena particularly good is how easy it is to compare phones. While some sites just use text, Phone Arena uses icons to convey the message. This makes a very easy-to-read format you can skim for important details.

If the size of the phone is a big factor for you, you can also use the size comparison tool. First, calibrate the website by selecting either a phone you already have or the “credit card” option. You then match your real-life item to the picture the website shows you. Once done, the website knows how to scale pictures to your monitor’s resolution. This means it can show you exactly how big each phone will be in real life. Very useful!

Sizing Up The Competition

With phones constantly being released, it can be very hard to keep on top of every phone’s specifications. Thankfully, these two websites will help you compare the phones you’re interested in so you can better find the phone that’s right for you. Do you have a favourite phone comparison website? Are you more of a fan of pouring over specification documents for each phone? Let us know in the comments below.