1. Download and install Bluestacks for Windows.

  2. Install the WhatsApp application in Bluestacks (it usually appears in the sidebar. If not, you can search for it in the search bar).

  3. Once installed, click on the WhatsApp application to launch it.

Click the “Agree and Continue” button to proceed.

  1. Enter your country and mobile number.

When it prompts you to verify the mobile number, click OK.

  1. Sit back and wait as it tries to verify your account. It should fail since your desktop doesn’t come with the capability to receive SMS. Once the verification failed, it will give you a “Call me” option to verify your account. Click “Call Me”. Remember to have your mobile phone by your side to receive the call.

  2. Once the verification is completed, you will be able to use WhatsApp to chat and send free SMS with your friends on your desktop. The bad thing about this is that WhatsApp can only run on one platform at any one time. If you are using WhatsApp on your desktop, it is best to turn off the Internet connection on your mobile so the WhatsApp on your mobile is not operating. Another thing is that the chat log is not synced over the server, so your chat log on your desktop won’t appear in your mobile. This will definitely lead to a break in the conversation thread. Image credit: Chat Button by Big Stock Photo.