While this feature may be welcomed by some, there are plenty of others who are concerned about their privacy and also the disclosure of their whereabouts. Luckily, you can easily disable this feature and prevent your friend from checking you in. Here’s how: 1. Log in to your Facebook account 2. Go to “Account -> Privacy Settings“.

  1. Click on “Customize Settings”.

  2. Scroll down until you see the option “Friends can check me in to Places”. On the side, click on the dropdown field and select “Disabled“.

  3. Scroll back to the top and click “Back to Privacy“. That’s it. You have disabled the ability for your friends to check you in.

Extra Privacy

Now if you are very paranoid about your privacy and don’t want others to know your location, you can change the “Places I check in to” to “Customize“.

On the pop up window, select “Only Me“.

Lastly, uncheck the box beside the option “Include me in “People Here Now” after I check in”.

Done! You are now safe from the evil cluthes of Facebook. Or are you?