WebSharing Lite

WebShare will let you access the files on your Android device from your web browser over your Wi-Fi network. It is important to realize the files being accessed here are the files on the Android phone, not the memory card. This is where many people struggle to access files. A microSD card can be removed and placed in a card reader if needed. The way WebShare works is pretty straight forward. Start the application on your Android device.

You will be asked to go to a network address in your browser. Once there, you will need to look at your Android for the password. This password is used to log in via your desktop browser.

Once you are all logged on, you should see all of the files in your storage on your Android. You can treat them just like you would through your Windows Explorer. Drag and drop them where you want them to be, including your desktop.


At the top of the WebShare window, you will see a tab for Status. Here will be 4 different status graphs. Wi-Fi, Memory card usage, Battery level the processor usage.


The settings menu allows you to create an owner password of your own. Very useful if you plan to use WebShare often. The port used to access your Android can be changed if you choose to.

In the settings, an option to allow access over the cellular network is available. Be careful with this one if you have a limited data plan and use WebShare a lot. You could rack up some big data charges.

When you might use WebShare

Some of the common uses for an application like WebShare would be:

Backup application data. Back up everything before a master reset. Add files to your Android from your computer. Move music to and from your phone (pro version only). “Spring cleaning” to get rid of old application information. Organizing your images into folders. Renaming files more quickly. Viewing images on a larger screen without exporting them.

Final thoughts

This is one of those applications most people would like to use, but don’t know about. When you have the ability to quickly and easily back up the information from your main phone storage, you have a better piece of mind if your Android phone is lost or damaged. What are your tips for accessing and backing up Android phone information?