But what if that whole world of apps was not open to us? If you were limited to just one mobile app, what would it be?

Our Opinion

Ryan considered all his favorites, such as the essential camera app, a proper email client, a music player, his bank app, and Feedly. But eventually, he settled on a web browser as his only app, as he can’t imagine “having a device that didn’t allow me to surf the Web.”

Miguel wants to stay in touch with people, so for him, he’s counting on Telegram, admitting that he mostly uses his phone “as a communication instrument.” Sayak, comparing the question to the oft-heard shipwrecked on an island scenario, believes if doomsday were to come his way, he would stick with the YouTube app because “who can argue against unlimited entertainment?” Andrew, picking up on Sayak’s shipwreck scenario, notes he’s the person who answers “a boat” to that question, so for him, as with Ryan, he’s bringing Firefox or another browser. “You can use that to do a lot of things that we generally would do with apps.” While the phone is Miguel’s communication instrument, it’s Andrew’s “information machine.” Phil, like Sayak, has to go with entertainment. It’s a tossup between Apple Music and Audible, as he’s at his happiest when he’s “building scale models, props, or electronic nicknacks and listening to audio of some kind.” Not just music, either, but audiobooks or radio dramas as well. Pushed to choose one, he’d go with Apple Music I haven’t changed my opinion too much in the last four years. I still want productivity. And I just found how useful a good launch app can be. And with Launch Center I can launch many other apps: browsers, messaging, YouTube, social media, music. Cheating? Perhaps, but I’ll use anything I can get to have more apps at hand on my iPad. This is despite the launch app not working with everything I use.

Your Opinion

You have to have a favorite app. Or do you find it hard to narrow the choice down to just one? Browser? Productivity? Entertainment? Utility? Communication? If you were limited to just one mobile app, what would it be? Tell us your choice in the comments below.