Closing the Last Tab – A Serious Mistake?

When foraging through the web for relevant information, users often have a lot of tabs open. When the user decides to close all of the unused tabs, they may inadvertently close the last tab. This is a crushing blow if you are using private browsing or incognito mode. When you use incognito mode, the browsing history is not stored. If the last tab contained a webpage with important information, you will not be able to return to that web page by accessing your browsing history. If you do not remember the webpage of the last tab, you will have to search for it over again—which hinders your user experience. Until Google decides to fix this problem by removing this feature, you will have to be careful to not accidentally close the last tab.

KeepLastTab — An Ideal Solution?

Fortunately, KeepLastTab, a Chrome extension that may help you fix this problem. The primary function of this extension is to prevent the browser from shutting down when you close the last tab – a simple, yet important feature. This extension is relatively simple to use. After downloading it from the Chrome Web store, it will start to work immediately. However, you can tweak it further to make it match your preferences. To do this, move the cursor to the top-right corner of the window and click the “Customize” (wrench) icon.

Point the cursor to “Tools” and select “Extensions.”

You will see the application in the extension list. If you do not see, it means that you did not install it properly. You will also notice that you have the option to allow in incognito or private browsing mode. To disable it, simply uncheck the “Enable” box from the right side of the window. To allow it in private browsing or incognito mode, check the “Allow Incognito Mode” box.

Now each time you close attempt to close the last tab, a new one will automatically open.

Final Thoughts

While this app does what it promises, it has some loopholes that you need to be aware of. When you use this app, there will always be two tabs opened. Whenever you close one of the last two tabs, a new blank tab will be opened. This may be a problem for those who abhor even the most picayune forms of clutter. By dragging out one of the last two tabs to create a new one, you will be left with one tab open. However, Chrome will shut down if you close it. As long as you don’t mind always having at least two tabs opened, this app is an ideal solution to your problem. Download KeepLastTab