How to use Bloody Vikings! in Firefox

  1. install the Bloody Vikings! add-on from Mozilla’s web site. Firefox will need to be restarted to get Bloody Vikings! up and running.
  2. After restarting the browser, head to the add-on settings for Bloody Vikings! and open them up.

You’ll see a list of all the supported disposable email address services. You can learn more about each by clicking the “About” link beside each service. and are the recommended Bloody Vikings! disposable email sites of choice, but do note that doesn’t play well with Firefox version 22.

You’ll also able to copy disposable email address to the clipboard automatically as well as log the account history of the addresses you have created from here. 3. Click “Pin mailbox as app tab.” This will pin whatever service you choose to use to the browser window. This’ll come in handy later. 4. Head to a web site you might need a disposable email address for and right-click where you would normally type in your email.

  1. Click on “Bloody Vikings!” to open its list of disposable email services.

  2. From here, you can choose what service you want to use. This can be based on the recommendations Bloody Vikings! gave you in the settings or from your personal experience. Choose a service by selecting it.

  3. Since we clicked “Pin mailbox as app tab” in the Bloody Vikings! settings, the disposable email address will be created in a background tab in Firefox.

The disposable email address will automatically be inserted into the email box on the web site. From here, you can use it as you see fit.

  1. Click on the pinned tab created by Bloody Vikings!.

Each service will have a different layout and interface to use while taking advantage of the disposable email address. Keep in mind that each site also has rules and time limits for using the service, so you may want to check each one out to make note of which one will be the right one to use for certain circumstances. If you need to use another disposable email address, you can follow the steps again. If you use another service, a separate pinned tab will open up so you can switch between them as necessary. Until you unpin the tabs, they’ll stay open for easy access to your disposable email addresses as long as they’re still active accounts.


Disposable email addresses serve a variety of purposes. No matter what you need one for, taking advantage of how quick and easy it is to make one in Firefox with Bloody Vikings! can alleviate some of your privacy concerns online. Image Credit: Trash Can Serial Numbers at Flickr